2011- 2012 : Temporary associate professor + Monitorat, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Montpellier
2007- 2011 : Formation to teaching, CIES Sorbonne (Paris) via CIES Montpellier, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Montpellier (France)
Master level: Conservation biology, Biodiversity management, Molecular markers in Evolution, R software.
2015- today: co-supervision with Louis Bernatchez, of Émilie Carrier, Master student, Laval University. Estimation de la contribution des différents stocks identifiés aux différentes nourriceries chez le flétan du groenland (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)
2015- today: co-supervision with Louis Bernatchez, of Jérémie Fuller, Master student, Laval University. Impact de la colonisation du cerf de Virginie sur l’île d’Anticosti sur sa variabilité génétique.
2015- today: co-supervision with Louis Bernatchez, of Jérémie Fuller, Master student, Laval University. Impact de la colonisation du cerf de Virginie sur l’île d’Anticosti sur sa variabilité génétique.
2015- 2017: co-supervision with Louis Bernatchez, of Anne Carrier, Master student, Laval University. Population genomics towards optimizing Muskellunge management and conservation in Québec (Canada)
2015- 2017: co-supervision with Louis Bernatchez, of Olivier Morissette, PhD student, Laval University. Impacts intra et inter-populationnels des ensemencements de soutien à la pêche sportive sur la croissance et la condition du touladi (Salvelinus namaycush)
2015- 2017: co-supervision with Louis Bernatchez, of Justine Létourneau, Master student, Laval University.Prédire l’impact des ensemencements à l’aide d’outils génomiques : Le cas de l’Omble de fontaine (Salvelinus fontinalis) au Québec.
2013–2014: co-supervision with Michael Møller Hansen, of Susanne Pederson, Master student. Aarhus university. Distribution of genetic and phenotypic variation in a contact zone between freshwater and marine sticklebacks: from saltwater to freshwater.
2013–2014: co-supervision with Michael Møller Hansen, of Karin Varia, Master student. Aarhus university. Thermal tolerance at genomic level in threespine stickleback populations.
January–June 2010: co-supervision with Pierre-Andre Crochet de Rémy Eudeline, Master 2 « Écologie, Biodiversité, Évolution » Montpellier II university (UM2). Contribution of microsatellites markers of populations genetics of an endemic alpine species, the Pyrenean rock lizard.