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Reviewer for Molecular Ecology (IF : 6.275), Evolutionary Applications (IF = 5.671), Molecular Ecology Resources (IF = 5.298), Proceedins of the Royal Society B (IF = 4.823), Freshwater Biology (IF = 2.933), Ecology and Evolution (2.537), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society Journal (IF = 2.264 ), PeerJ (IF = 2.183), Conservation Genetics (IF = 2.040 ), Journal of Heredity (IF = 1.969), Amphibia Reptilia (IF = 0.975) & Italian Journal of Zoology (IF= 0.843), (IF = Impact Factor). And also for the Czech Science Foundation

*Equal contribution


Publications in preparation

Hunter B , Ferchaud A-L , Normandeau E , Morgan K, Mooers A, Mastromonaco G &  Lesbarrères D. (submitted). Ex situ management stabilizes the genetic health of Canada’s most endangered anuran, the Oregon Spotted Frog; but is it enough? Scientifc Report

Carbonneau A, April J, Normandeau Eric , Ferchaud A-L, Nadeau V & Bernatchez L. (submitted). Population genomics, alternative migratory tactics and mixed stock subsistence fisheries in the northernmost American Atlantic salmon populations. Evolutionary Applications.

Lecomte L,  Árnyasi M, Ferchaud A-L, Kent M, Lien S, Stenløkk K, Sylvestre F & Bernatchez L. (submitted). Investigating structural variant, indel and single nucleotide polymorphism differentiation between locally adapted Atlantic salmon populations using whole genome sequencing and a hybrid genomic polymorphism detection approach. Evolutionary Applications.


Published papers in the current contents

Bernatchez L*, Ferchaud, AL.*, Berger C S*, Venney C* & Xuereb A* (2023). Genomics for monitoring and understanding species responses to global climate change. Nature Review Genetics.

Bassi L, Tremblay R, Robert D, Bernatchez L, Ferchaud A-L & Sirois P. (2023) Connectivity and natal sources of Greenland halibut in the Gulf of St. Lawrence inferred from otolith chemistry. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (80: 1301-1312). 

Ferchaud A-L, Normandeau E, Babin C, Audet C, Morgan J, Treble M, Walkusz W, Lambert Y & Bernatchez L. (2022) A cold-water fish striving in a warming ocean; insights from Whole Genome Sequencing of the Greenland Halibut in the Northwest Atlantic, Frontiers in Marine Science. (9) 10.3389/fmars.2022.992504.

Ferchaud A-L, Mérot C, Normandeau E, Ragoussis J, Babin C, Djambazian H, Bérubé P, Audet C, Treble M, Walkusz W & Bernatchez L (2021) Chromosome-level assembly reveals a putative Y-autosomal fusion in the sex determination system of the Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)


Mérot C, Berdan E, Cayuela H, Djambazian H, Ferchaud A-L, Laporte M, Normandeau E, Ragoussis J, Wellenreuther M,Bernatchez L (2021)Locally adaptive inversions modulate genetic variation at different geographic scales in a seaweed fly. Molecular Biology and Evolution. msab143.


Bilgmann K, Armansin N, Ferchaud A-L, Normandeau E, Bernatchez L, Harcourt R, Ahonen H, Lowther A, Goldsworthy S, Stow A (2021) Low effective population size in the genetically bottlenecked Australian sea lion is insufficient to maintain genetic variation.


Hashemzadeh S I, Berrebi P, Ferchaud A-L, Freyhof J, Geiger M, Levin B A, Normandeau E, Bernatchez L (2021) A Genomic Perspective on an Old Question: Salmo trouts or Salmo trutta (Teleostei: Salmonidae)? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

Ferchaud A-L, Leitwein M, Laporte M, Boivin-Deslisle, Bougas B, Hernandez C, Normandeau E, Thibault I, Bernatchez L (2021) Adaptive and maladaptive genetic diversity in small populations; insights from the Brook Charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) case study. Molecular Ecology

Sutherland B J G, Rycroft C, Ferchaud A-L, Saunders R, Li L, Liu S, Chan A M, Otto S P, Suttle C A, Miller K M (2020) Relative genomic impacts of translocation history, hatchery practices, and farm selection in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Evolutionary Applications, doi: 10.1111/eva.12965


Carrier E, Ferchaud A-L, Normandeau E, Sirois P, Bernatchez L (2020) Estimating the contribution of Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) stocks to nurseries by means of Genotyping-By-Sequencing: sex and time matter. Evolutionary Appplications, doi:10.1111/eva.12979


Ferchaud A-L, Leitwein M, Laporte M, Boivin-Deslisle, Bougas B, Hernandez C, Normandeau E, Thibault I, Bernatchez L (2019) Adaptive and maladaptive genetic diversity in small populations; insights from the Brook Charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) case study. bioRxiv,


Fuller J, Ferchaud A-L, Laporte M, Le Luyer J, Davis T B, Côté S D, Bernatchez L (2019) Absence of founder effect and evidence for adaptive divergence in a recently introduced insular population of white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Molecular Ecology. (IF =5.855),


Leitwein M, Cayuela H, Ferchaud A-L, Normandeau E, Gagnaire PA, Bernatchez L (2019) The role of recombination on genome-wide patterns of local ancestry exemplified by supplemented Brook Charr populations. Molecular Ecology. (IF = 5.855), 28:4755-4769.


Rougemont Q, Carrier A, Leluyer J, Ferchaud A-L, Farrell J, Brodeur P & Bernachez L (2019) Combining population genomics and forward simulations to investigate stocking impacts: A case study of Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) from the St. Lawrence River basin. Evolutionary Applications (IF = 4.694), 12: 902-922.


Rougemont Q, Carrier A, Leluyer J, Ferchaud A-L, Farrell J, Brodeur P & Bernachez L. (2018) Population genetics of Muskellunge in the St. Lawrence River, its main tributaries and inland lakes of Québec. Release Journal, 41 (3): 30-35.


Liu S, Ferchaud A-L, Grønkjær P, Nygaard R, Hansen M M (2018) Genomic parallelism and lack thereof: Determinants inferred from contrasting systems of three-spine sticklebacks. Molecular Ecology (IF = 6.131), 27: 4725-4743.


Ferchaud A-L*, Laporte M* Perrier C & Bernatchez L. (2018) Supplementation impacts on the population genetic structure of an exploited fish: do thousands of SNPs and dozens of microsatellites tell us the same story? Evolutionary Applications (IF = 4.694), 11: 1153-1165.

Milligan B G, Archer F I, Ferchaud A-L, Hand B K, Kierepka E M & Waples R (2018) Disentangling genetic structure for genetic monitoring of complex populations. Evolutionary Applications (IF = 4.694), 11: 1149-1161.

Dammark B K, Ferchaud A-L, Hansen M M & Sørensen G J (2018) Heat tolerance and gene expression responses to heat stress in threespine sticklebacks from ecologically divergent environments. Journal of Thermal Biology (IF = 2.23), 75: 88- 96.

Létourneau J, Ferchaud A-L, Le Luyer J, Laporte M, Garant D, Bernatchez L (2018). Predicting the genetic impact of stocking in Brook Charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) by combining RAD sequencing and modeling of explanatory variables. Evolutionary Applications (IF = 5.671), 11:577-592.

Perrier C*, Ferchaud A-L*, Sirois P, Thibault I, Bernatchez L (2017) Do tremendous genetic drift and accumulation of deleterious mutations preclude adaptation to temperature in a northern lacustrine fish ? Molecular Ecology (IF =6.494), 26: 6317-6335.


Carrier A, Ferchaud A-L, Le Luyer J, Farrell M J, Brodeur P & Bernatchez L (2017). Population genomics towards optimizing Muskellunge management and conservation in Québec, Canada. American Fisheries Society Symposium 85.

Pedersen S*, Ferchaud A-L, Bertelsen M, Bekkevold D. & Hansen MM (2017) Low genetic and phenotypic divergence in a contact zone between freshwater and marine sticklebacks: gene flow constrains adaptation. BMC Evolutionary Biology (IF = 3.406), 17:130 DOI 10.1186/s12862-017-0982-3 

Pujolar J-M, Ferchaud A-L, Bekkevold D & Hansen M (2017) Non-parallel divergence across Danish freshwater and marine three-spined stickleback populations. Journal of Fish Biology (IF = 1.246) DOI: 10.1111/jfb.13336


Ferchaud A-L, Perrier C, Bernatchez L & Dionne M (2016) Making sense of the relationships between Ne, Nb, Nc to define conservation thresholds in Atlantic salmon. Heredity (IF = 3.801),117: 268-278. 


Benestan L*, Ferchaud A-L*, Hohenlohe P, Garner B, Naylor G, Baums I, Schwartz M, Kelley J & Luikart G (2016) Conservation genomics of natural and managed populations: building a conceptual and practical framework. Molecular Ecology (IF =6.494), 25 (13):2967-2977.


Ferchaud A-L & Hansen MM (2016) The impact of selection, gene flow and demographic history on heterogeneous genomic divergence: threespine sticklebacks in divergent environments. Molecular Ecology (IF =6.494), 24 (1): 238-259.


Ferchaud A-L, Eudeline R, Arnal V, Cheylan M, Pottier G, Leblois R & P-A Crochet (2015) Congruent signals of population history but radically different patterns of genetic diversity between mitochondrial and nuclear markers in a mountain lizard. Molecular Ecology (IF = 6.275), 24:192-207.



Ferchaud A-L, Pedersen S, Bekkevold D & Hansen MM (2014) A low-density SNP array for analyzing differential selection in freshwater and marine populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). BMC genomics (IF = 4.4), 14:867.


Hansen MM., Limborg MT, Ferchaud A-L, Pujolar JM (2014) The effects of Medieval dams on genetic  divergence and demographic history in brown trout populations. BMC Evolutionary Biology (IF = 3.41), 14:122.


Ulrik MG, Pujolar JM, Ferchaud A-L, Jacobsen MW, Als TD, Gagnaire P-A, Frydenberg J, Bøcher P, Jonsson B, Bernatchez L. & Hansen MM. (2014) Do North Atlantic eels show parallel patterns of spatially varying selection ? BMC Evolutionary Biology (IF = 3.41), 14:138.



Montgelard C, Zenboudji S, Ferchaud A-L, Arnal V & B  van Vuuren (2013) – Landscape genetics in mammals. Mammalia (IF = 0.809), 0: 1-19.


Ferchaud A-L, Ursenbacher S, Cheylan M, Luiselli L, Jelić D, Halpern B, Major A, Kotenko T, Crnobrnja-Isailović J, Tomović L., Ghira I., Ioannidis Y, Arnal V. & C. Montgelard (2012) - From south to north: mitochondrial markers reveal a colonization route for vipers of the Vipera ursinii complex in the Palaearctic region and an east-west Mediterranean disjunction. Journal of Biogeography (IF = 4.863), 39 (10): 1836-1847.


Mouret V., Guillaumet A., Cheylan M., Pottier G., Ferchaud A.-L. & P-A. Crochet (2011) - The legacy of ice ages in mountain species: post-glacial colonization of mountain tops rather than current range fragmentation determines mitochondrial genetic diversity in an endemic Pyrenean rock lizard. Journal of Biogeography (IF = 4.863), 38: 1717-1731.


Metzger C., Ferchaud A-L., Geiser C. & S. Ursenbacher (2011) - New polymorphic microsatellite markers of the endangered meadow viper (Vipera ursinii) identified by 454 high-throughput sequencing: when innovation meets conservation. Conservation Genetics Resources (IF = 0.708), 3 (3): 589-592.


Hoset K. S., Ferchaud A-L., Dufour F.,  Mersch D., Cote J. & J-F.Le Galliard (2011) - Natal dispersal correlates with behavioral traits that are not consistent across early life stages. Behavioral Ecology (IF = 3.216), 22 : 176-183.


Ferchaud A-L., Lyet A., Cheylan M., Arnal V., Baron J-P., Montgelard C. & S. Ursenbacher (2011) - High genetic differentiation among french populations of the Orsini’s viper (Vipera ursinii ursinii) based on mitochondrial and microsatellite data: Implications for conservation management. Journal of Heredity (IF = 2.438), 102 (1) : 79-87.



Invited speaker


2022. Ferchaud A-L et Bernatchez L. High-quality genomics toward improving fishery management of Greenland Halibut in the North Atlantic. International Pacific Halibut Commission Seminar Series – online – 16 Mars.


2021. Ferchaud A-L. L’impact des ensemencements à l’aide d’outils génomiques; le cas de l’Omble de Fontaine et du Touladi au Québec. Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs – Québec – Canada, Décembre.


2021. Ferchaud A-L. La structure génétique des populations naturelles d’Omble de Fontaine et de Touladi au Québec. Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs – Québec – Canada, Décembre.


2019. Ferchaud A-L, Normandeau E, Ragoussis I, Audet C, Morgan J, Treble M, Walkusz W, Lambert Y & Bernatchez L. Le séquençage de génomes entiers au service du Flétan du Groenland, l’une des espèces de poissons Nord Atlantique les plus précieuses. Inter-lab Institut de Biologie Intégrative des Systèmes, Université Laval, Québec – Canada, Décembre.


2018. Ferchaud A-L. Être résident ou ne pas l'être? La génomique des populations naturelles d'Omble de Fontaine.

Inter-lab Institut de Biologie Intégrative des Systèmes, Université Laval, Québec – Canada, February 11th.


2017. Ferchaud A-L. Do genetic drift and accumulation of deleterious mutations preclude adaptation? Empirical investigation using RADseq in a northern lacustrine fish and implication for management. Institut des Sciences de l’Évolution de Montpellier, Université Montpellier II, Montpellier – France, October 16th.


2017. Ferchaud A-L. Do genetic drift and accumulation of deleterious mutations preclude adaptation? Empirical investigation using RADseq in a northern lacustrine fish and implication for management. Inter-lab Institut de Biologie Intégrative des Systèmes, Université Laval, Québec – Canada, February 11th.


2015. Ferchaud A-L. Genetic diversity of two alpine reptiles, the meadow viper (Vipera ursinii) and the Pyrenean rock lizard (Iberolacerta bonnali): influence of historic and contemporary factors. Inter-lab Institut de Biologie Intégrative des Systèmes, Université Laval, Québec – Canada, February 11th.


Oral Communications


2021. Ferchaud A-L, Mérot C, Normandeau E, Ragoussis I, Audet C, Morgan J, Treble M, Walkusz W, Lambert Y & Bernatchez L. Un panel de technologies de pointe du séquençage aux analyses statistiques pour élucider la structure de population et la génomique évolutive du Flétan du Groenland (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides). Rencontre annuelle du RAQ (Ressources Aquatiques du Québec), Québec, QC, Canada, 23-24 nov. 

2021. Ferchaud A-L, Mérot C, Normandeau E, Ragoussis I, Audet C, Morgan J, Treble M, Walkusz W, Lambert Y & Bernatchez L. Un panel de technologies de pointe du séquençage aux analyses statistiques pour élucider la structure de population et la génomique évolutive du Flétan du Groenland (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides). Congrès des Sciences Aquatiques. St Pierre et Miquelon- 30 sept – 03 oct.

2021. Ferchaud A-L, Mérot C, Normandeau E, Ragoussis I, Audet C, Morgan J, Treble M, Walkusz W, Lambert Y & Bernatchez L. A compendium of novel technologies from sequencing to statistical analyses clarifies fine-scale population structure and evolutionary genomics of a marine exploited fish species. World Fisheries congress. En ligne - Septembre 20-24.


2021. Ferchaud A-L, Mérot C, Normandeau E, Ragoussis I, Audet C, Morgan J, Treble M, Walkusz W, Lambert Y & Bernatchez L. A compendium of novel technologies from sequencing to statistical analyses clarifies fine-scale population structure and evolutionary genomics of a marine exploited fish species. Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research Annual meeting. Online - February 15-19.

2019. Ferchaud A-L, Normandeau E, Ragoussis I, Audet C, Morgan J, Treble M, Walkusz W, Lambert Y & Bernatchez L. Le séquençage de génomes entiers au service du Flétan du Groenland, l’une des espèces de poissons Nord Atlantique les plus précieuses. Inter-lab Institut de Biologie Intégrative des Systèmes, Université Laval, Québec – Canada, December.


2019. Ferchaud A-L, Normandeau E, Ragoussis I, Audet C, Morgan J, Treble M, Walkusz W, Lambert Y & Bernatchez L. Le séquençage de génomes entiers au service du Flétan du Groenland, l’une des espèces de poissons Nord Atlantique les plus précieuses. Forum Québécois en Sciences de la Mer, Rimouski, November. 


2019. Ferchaud A-L and Bernatchez L.  Toulabi ou Omble de Fontaine, qui porte le plus gros fardeau ? Rencontre annuelle du CIRSA (Centre Interuniversitaire de la Recherche sur le Saumon Atlantique), Québec - QC - CANADA, May 8-9.


2018. Ferchaud A-L. Être résident ou ne pas l'être? La génomique des populations naturelles d'Omble de Fontaine.

Inter-lab Institut de Biologie Intégrative des Systèmes, Université Laval, Québec – Canada, February 11th.


2017. Ferchaud A-L. Impacts of environmental changes on genomic response and adaptation in conservation biology. Seminar at Institut des Sciences de l'Évolution de Montpellier, Montpellier - France, october 16th.

2017. Ferchaud A-L, Perrier C, Laporte M, Bernatchez L. Do genetic drift and accumulation of deleterious mutations preclude adaptation? Empirical investigation using RADseq in a northern lacustrine fish and implication for management. Journée annuelle étudiante de l'IBIS, Québec – QC - CANADA, august 31th.


2017. Ferchaud A-L*, Perrier C*, Sirois P, Thibaut I, Bernatchez L. Do tremendous genetic drift and accumulation of deleterious mutations preclude thermal adaptation in a northern freshwater lake fish? Rencontre de la SCEE, Victoria – BC - CANADA, 07-10 may.


2017. Ferchaud A-L, Perrier C, April J, Hernandez C, Dionne M, Bernatchez L. Making sense of the relationships between Ne, Nb and Nc ; towards defining conservation thresholds in Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar). Rencontre annuelle du CIRSA (Centre Interuniversitaire de la Recherche sur le Saumon Atlantique, Québec - QC - CANADA, 26-27 april.


2017. Ferchaud A-L*, Perrier C*, Sirois P, Thibaut I, Bernatchez L. Do tremendous genetic drift and accumulation of deleterious mutations preclude thermal adaptation in a northern freshwater lake fish? Rencontre annuelle du CIRSA (Centre Interuniversitaire de la Recherche sur le Saumon Atlantique, Québec - QC - CANADA, 26-27 april.

2016. Ferchaud A-L, Moore J-S, Normandeau E, Benestan L, Gosselin T, Bernatchez L. Roadmap for filtering Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) datasets. NIMBioS investigate workshop “Next Generation Genetic Workshop”, Knoxville, TN, USA, 6-9 nov.


2016. Ferchaud A-L*, Perrier C*, Normandeau E, Sirois P, Thibault I, Bernatchez L. Genotyping-by-sequencing reveals genetic structure and candidate genes under selection along a temperature gradient in a cold-water lake salmonid fish. Rencontre annuelle du RAQ (Ressources Aquatiques du Québec), Québec, QC, Canada, 22-23 nov. 

2016. Ferchaud A-L, Perrier C, Bernatchez L & Dionne M. Making sense of the relationships between Ne, Nb, Nc to define conservation thresholds in Atlantic salmon. Annual Symposium of the Fisheries Society of the British Isles. Bangor, United-Kingdom. 


2014. Ferchaud A-L., Hansen MM. Selection, gene flow, demographic history: what does most shape the genomic variation in danish threespine stickleback natural populations? Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE). San Juan, Puerto Rico.


2011. Ferchaud A-L., Ursenbacher S., Luiselli L., Jelić D., Halpern B., Major A., Kotenko T.,  Crnobrnja-Isailović J., Tomović L ., Ghira I., Ioannidis Y., Arnal V. & C. Montgelard. From South to North: mitochondrial markers revealed an unexpected colonization route for vipers of the Vipera ursinii complex in the Palearctic region. 16 ème Congrès Européen d’Herpétologie (SEH). Luxembourg.


2011. Ferchaud A-L. - Phylogenetics relationships among the Vipera ursinii complex taxa and genetic differentiation among french populations. Workshop de clôture du programme “Life Nature” sur les populations françaises de la vipère d’Orsini. Forcalquier (04), France.


2009. Ferchaud A-L., Lyet A., Cheylan M., Arnal V., Baron J-P., Montgelard C. & S. Ursenbacher. Genetic differentiation among French populations of the Orsini’s meadow viper: Implications for conservation management, Workshop sur la conservation de Vipera ursinii.  Budapest, Hungary.


2009. Ferchaud A-L., Lyet A., Cheylan M., Arnal V., Baron J-P., Montgelard C. & S. Ursenbacher. Forte différenciation génétique entre les populations françaises de Vipera u. ursinii définie à partir de marqueurs mitochondriaux et nucléaires: implications pour la conservation, 37ème congrès de la Société Herpétologique de France. Montpellier, France.


2009. Ferchaud A-L., Lyet A., Cheylan M., Arnal V., Baron J-P., Montgelard C. & S. Ursenbacher. High genetic differentiation among French populations of Vipera u.ursinii based on mitochondrial and microsatellite data implications for conservation, 2ème congrès européen de la biologie de la conservation “Conservation biology and beyond: from science to practice. Prague, Tchek Republic.


2007. Ferchaud A-L., Lyet A., Cheylan M., Arnal V., Montgelard C. & S. Ursenbacher. Genetic structure of the French Vipera ursinii populations, 2ème conférence sur la biologie des vipères. Porto, Portugal.


2007. Ferchaud A-L., Lyet A., Cheylan M. & C.Montgelard. Histoire évolutive d’une espèce menacée : cas de la vipère d’Orsini (Vipera ursinii ursinii) en France, 29ème rencontres du groupe français de Biologie et Génétique des Populations: Petit Pois Déridé, Poitiers, France.



2018. Ferchaud A-L, Normandeau E, Ragoussis I, Audet C, Morgan J, Treble M, Walkusz W, Lambert Y & Bernatchez L. Whole genome sequencing serving one of the most valuable North Atlantic fishes, Greenland Halibut. Réunion annuelle Ressources Aquatiques Québec (RAQ). Québec, Canada.


2018. Ferchaud A-L, Normandeau E, Ragoussis I, Audet C, Morgan J, Treble M, Walkusz W, Lambert Y & Bernatchez L. Whole genome sequencing serving one of the most valuable North Atlantic fishes, Greenland Halibut. 8ème edition de la journée de l’IBIS. Québec, Canada.


2018. Ferchaud A-L, Normandeau E, Ragoussis I, Audet C, Morgan J, Treble M, Walkusz W, Lambert Y & Bernatchez L. Whole genome sequencing serving one of the most valuable North Atlantic fishes, Greenland Halibut. 2d Joint congress on Evolutionary Biology. Montpellier, France. 

2013. Ferchaud A-L., Hansen MM. Adaptive divergence among Danish three-spine sticklebacks populations determined using restriction-site associated DNA-sequencing. European Society of Evolutionary Biology. Lisbon, Portugal.


2009. Ferchaud A-L., Lyet A., Cheylan M. & C. Montgelard Histoire évolutive d’une espèce menacée : la vipère d’Orsini (Vipera ursinii), DODO III. Montpellier, France.


2007. Ferchaud A-L., Lyet A., Cheylan M., Arnal V., Montgelard C. & S. Ursenbacher. Evolutionary history of a threatened species: The meadow viper (Vipera ursinii ursinii) in France, 2ème conférence sur la biologie des vipères. Porto, Portugal.



Publications non indexed to current contents


Lyet A., Ferchaud A-L. & M. Cheylan (2011) – La vipère d’Orsini : modéliser sa distribution pour mieux comprendre son écologie. In J. Thompson & P. Gauthier « Activités humaines et dynamique de la biodiversité en région méditerranéenne »


Cheylan M., Croquet V., Dragone C., Ferchaud A-L., Lisse H., Lyet A., Reboul D., & K. Reyna (2011) – Guide technique de gestion et de suivi des populations de vipère d’Orsini. Agence Régionale pour l’Environnement, Aix-en-Provence. 138 p.


Ferchaud A-L. (2011) Relations phylogénétiques au sein du complexe Vipera ursinii: un nœud de vipères à démêler – rapport du workshop final de la clôture de LIFE Vipera ursnii. 

© 2016 Anne Laure Ferchaud

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